My original diabetes diagnosis story

Thank you for reading my blog! I hope to inspire and encourage people who are facing challenges, not just diabetes. It is also a way for me to process the emotions of dealing with Type 1 diabetes 365 days a year. It is not easy, but I do what I have to and I realize that I am a very lucky person. I was living in Chestertown, Maryland when I was originally diagnosed as a Type 2 diabetic in the summer of 1999. Yes, my original diagnosis was NOT Type 1. I was a sports information director at a small college, living in one room in someone's house with just a microwave and a small refrigerator. I thought at the time that diabetes was all about sugar and that I could eat all the "sugar free" stuff that I wanted to. I tested my blood sugar, took my pills, and for a while I thought I was doing OK. I moved to Ashland, Virginia in the summer of 2000, to work at another small college. This school had a football team, so the job would be much more demanding and the hours longer. Fo...