OUR CAT My family has THE BEST CAT IN THE WORLD. Sure, I know everyone says that. But seriously. My cat is amazing. Her name is Gabby. She is a beautiful -- black and white and very fluffy and she talks (meows) all the time! Gabby is actually my boyfriend's stepmother's cat. She has a brother named Rascal who she couldn't live with in peace and harmony because Rascal is a little too rambunctious for Gabby. So Callie asked Mike if Gabby could come live with us. It turned out perfectly for all involved! Gabby is very sweet and kind and affectionate. She loves being petted and snuggling in bed. She is also hilarious. In addition to being extremely vocal, she also does other funny things. Sometimes she runs around the house for absolutely no reason meowing loudly. She will do this anytime, even late at night or early in the morning. She likes to lie inside boxes and laundry baskets and closets and on top of things. She loves plastic bags -- getting inside them, lying on top of ...