Breaking Benjamin

OK, I feel really silly posting this. It's like I'm a 12-year-old middle school girl. But it IS my blog, right? No judgement allowed? So I will do it. There is a great hard rock band called Breaking Benjamin. I absolutely love their music. Probably more importantly, they might be some of the nicest people on the planet. They love each other. They adore their wives and families. They cherish their fans. I am so into this band right now, they seriously make my days brighter. The following is something I posted in a Breaking Benjamin fan Facebook group I am in. Thank you in advance for reading. ** LONG POST ALERT -- I apologize in advance but I felt the need to share this with this wonderful group. ** I am usually good at putting words together – Hell, I was a journalism major, after all, and I still think I'm a good writer. But I feel like I might start rambling here, so I'm sorry. I am new to this group. I love hard rock music. It’s what I listen to in my car....